Reiki is a simple and natural healing technique. This technique was developed by Mikao Usui in the late 19th Century in Japan, and is now used worldwide. Quantum physics validates what ancients have know for centuries, that a Universal Life Force Energy exists and flows through all beings. Reiki enhances the “Universal Life Force Energy” that flows through the meridians of the body, and raises the vibration level of the physical, etheric and astral fields for healing.
Reiki Treatment
During this treatment, the practitioner scans over the body to find areas that need additional energy. Reiki is directed to organs and organ systems to stimulate and promote healing of acute and chronic illnesses. The most common report by clients is a deep sense of relaxation.
This treatment is a modified reflexology treatment that includes Reiki. The addition of Reiki further stimulates the energy flow through the feet and hands and to the rest of the body.
This treatment is a modified gentle massage with the client fully clothed. It includes Reiki to enhance the energy flow to all the tissues that get massaged.
PURCHASE A SERIES OF 3 TREATMENTS AND YOU WILL GET A 20% DISCOUNT, payable in full at first treatment.
Treatments* are done on a massage table and the client is fully clothed.
Last about 1 hour.
Are done at the Hana Lokahi office space in Itasca, Il
Payment is required by check or cash at the time of service.
$80 per hour for a full hour of Hawaiian Elemental Healing, Elemental Lomi, Access Bars™, Reiki, Reiki-ssage®.
Shorter “try and see” 15 min. sessions for $15 and only available for Access Bars™, Reiki, Reik-ssage®.
Reiki Reflex™ is offered in 15 or 30 minute sessions only, for $15 or $30.
Reiki Classes
Reiki I : $180 for a 1 day class of 8 hours. Class size 2 to 10 students.
Reiki II : $ $300 for 2 day class 8 hours each day. Class size 2 to 10 students.
At completion of a Reiki class you have a Certification stating that you have completed a Reiki I or Reiki II class and are a Certified Reiki Practitioner at that level of training.