Hawaiian Elemental Healing
A method of spiritual healing that is based on the sacred tradition of Hawai'i's Medical Kahuna. The Elemental energies of Fire, Water, Air, and Earth are used to create positive healing for mind, body and spirit. Living in Aloha and Lokahi means to bring up the energy in all parts of the body that are working well and make them even stronger. When in harmony, body parts and systems are more capable of resisting illness and disease. When disharmony is found, the Elements are used to strengthen and heal and bring the community of cells in the body back into harmony. As with massage, Elemental Healing can be beneficial whether you're in good health or have a health concern.
The client lays on a table fully clothed and the practitioner will use a gentle touch with their hands to "listen" and identify areas of concern. Then, while working with the Elements, a treatment is done that directs that energy to parts of the body that facilitate the healing capacities of the individual.
One of the Hawaiian Elemental Healing treatments is called an Immune Boost. Your body uses the Elements to
Produce (Fire) and increase the volume of the blood cells needed to destroy bacteria, viruses and allergens as well as feed every cell to reach and maintain their greatest strength.
Stimulate (Fire) the parts of the body that cleanse and release.
Allow for better flow (Water and Air) of the cells through the lymph system for their release.
Bring in (Air) the feeling of wellness that results from unclogging the parts of the physical body that need it as well as freeing up the emotional energy body to want to be active again.
Reset (Earth) the parts of the body or individual cells to their normal structure, as whole and complete and strong again and able to resist invasion.
Reiki is a simple and natural healing technique. This technique was developed by Mikao Usui in the late 19th Century in Japan, and is now used worldwide. Quantum physics validates what ancients have know for centuries, that a Universal Life Force Energy exists and flows through all beings Reiki enhances the “Universal Life Force Energy” that flows through the meridians of the body, and raises the vibration level of the physical, etheric and astral fields for healing.
Reiki Treatment
During this treatment, the practitioner scans over the body to find areas that need additional energy. Reiki is directed to organs and organ systems to stimulate and promote healing of acute and chronic illnesses. The most common report by clients is a deep sense of relaxation.
This treatment is a modified reflexology treatment that includes Reiki. The addition of Reiki further stimulates the energy flow through the feet and hands and to the rest of the body.
This treatment is a modified gentle massage with the client fully clothed. It includes Reiki to enhance the energy flow to all the tissues that get massaged.
Nurse Consultant
Speaking Engagements
See consultant link.
Access Bars ™
A treatment that works with 32 points on the head. By lightly touching them, an electromagnetic charge is released and can effect and clear thoughts, beliefs, decisions, emotions, attitudes, and limitations that may be stored. Those energies can be barriers to our ability to be creative and even to receive information.
There are bars (specific points or small rectangular areas) that, when touched, are stimulated to release judgement and limitation and open the ability to allow in areas of life. These bars are named Creativity, Money, Creating Connection, Aging, Sex, Joy, Kindness and Gratitude, Communication, Body, Healing, Peace and Calm and Manifestation.
You will get this all in one relaxing and gentle treatment. If you're ready for a life upgrade, come 'get your bars run.'
Elemental Lomi
Is a traditional form of Hawaiian massage. It is an ancient practice that is renowned for being a soothing, flowing, gentle, and relaxing experience. Rather than tending to individual tender areas with pressure, Lomi uses long strokes unifying the Elemental energies that support and stimulate the function of each body part. .
Corporate Stress Relief
Access Bars™, Reiki, Reiki-ssage®, and Reiki-Reflex™ can be provided to staff at businesses for short 15 minute sessions. Stress relief programs are well known for improving performance and increasing the feeling of well-being in the workplace.